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| "source" 这个注解只在java文件中起作用 "class" 这个注解能在source,class文件中起作用 "runtime" 该注解能在source,class,runtime时都起作用
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.dao;
import java.util.Collection;
import cn.itcast.shoa.dao.base.BaseDao; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege;
public interface privilegeDao extends BaseDao<Privilege>{ public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByRid(Long rid); public Collection<Privilege> getMenuitemsByUid(Long uid,String username); public Collection<Privilege> getFunctionsByUid(Long uid); }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.dao.impl;
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import cn.itcast.shoa.dao.privilegeDao; import cn.itcast.shoa.dao.base.impl.BaseDaoImpl; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Role;
@Repository("privilegeDao") public class privilegeDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<Privilege> implements privilegeDao {
@Override public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByRid(Long rid) {
Collection<Privilege> allPrivilege = this.getAllEntry(); Collection<Privilege> rolePrivilege = this.hibernatetemplate.find("from Privilege p inner join fetch p.roles r where r.rid=?",rid); for (Privilege privilege : rolePrivilege) { for (Privilege privilege2 : rolePrivilege) { if (privilege.getId().longValue() == privilege2.getId().longValue()) { privilege.setChecked(true); break; } } } return allPrivilege; } @Override public Collection<Privilege> getMenuitemsByUid(Long uid,String username) { List<Privilege> privileges = null; if("admin".equals(username)){ privileges = this.hibernatetemplate.find("from Privilege where flag='1'"); }else{ StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("from Privilege p inner join fetch p.roles r inner join fetch r.users u"); stringBuffer.append(" where u.uid=?"); stringBuffer.append(" and flag='1'"); privileges = this.hibernatetemplate.find(stringBuffer.toString(),uid); } return new HashSet<Privilege>(privileges); }
@Override public Collection<Privilege> getFunctionsByUid(Long uid) { List<Privilege> privileges = null; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); stringBuffer.append("from Privilege p inner join fetch p.roles r inner join fetch r.users u"); stringBuffer.append(" where u.uid=?"); stringBuffer.append(" and flag='2'"); privileges = this.hibernatetemplate.find(stringBuffer.toString(),uid); return new HashSet<Privilege>(privileges); }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.service;
import java.util.Collection;
import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege;
public interface PrivilegeService { public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByRid(Long rid); public void savePrivilege(Long rid,String checkedStr); public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByUid(Long uid,String username); public Collection<Privilege> getFunctionsByUid(Long uid); }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.service.impl;
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import cn.itcast.shoa.dao.RoleDao; import cn.itcast.shoa.dao.privilegeDao; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Role; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.PrivilegeService;
@Service("privilegeService") public class PrivilegeServiceImpl implements PrivilegeService{ @Resource(name="privilegeDao") private privilegeDao privilegeDao;
@Resource(name="roleDao") private RoleDao roleDao; @Override public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByRid(Long rid) { return this.privilegeDao.getPrivilegesByRid(rid); }
@Transactional(readOnly=false) public void savePrivilege(Long rid, String checkedStr) { Role role = this.roleDao.getEntryById(rid); Set<Privilege> privileges = this.privilegeDao.getEntrysByIDS(checkedStr); role.setPrivileges(privileges); this.roleDao.updateEntry(role); }
@Override public Collection<Privilege> getPrivilegesByUid(Long uid,String username) { return this.privilegeDao.getMenuitemsByUid(uid,username); }
@Override public Collection<Privilege> getFunctionsByUid(Long uid) { return this.privilegeDao.getFunctionsByUid(uid); }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.struts.action;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.User; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.LoginService; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.PrivilegeService; import cn.itcast.shoa.struts.action.base.BaseAction; import cn.itcast.shoa.util.OAUtils;
@Controller("loginAction") @Scope("prototype") public class LoginAction extends BaseAction<User>{
@Resource(name="loginService") private LoginService loginService; @Resource(name="privilegeService") private PrivilegeService privilegeService; public String login() { User user = this.loginService.login(this.getModel().getUsername(), this.getModel().getPassword()); if (user == null) { this.addActionError("信息错误"); return "input"; }else { OAUtils.putUserToSession(user); Collection<Privilege> privileges = this.privilegeService.getFunctionsByUid(user.getUid()); OAUtils.putFunctionsToSession(privileges); return "index"; } } }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.util;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.User;
public class OAUtils { public static void putUserToSession(User user){ ServletActionContext.getRequest() .getSession().setAttribute("user", user); } public static void putFunctionsToSession(Collection<Privilege> privileges) { ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("privileges", privileges); } public static User getUserFromSession(){ return (User)ServletActionContext.getRequest() .getSession().getAttribute("user"); } }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.annotation.privilege;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target;
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface PrivilegeInfo {
String name() default "";
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.annotation.privilege;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class privilegeInfoParse {
public static String parse(Class actionClass,String methodName) throws Exception{ String privilegeName = ""; Method method = actionClass.getMethod(methodName); if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PrivilegeInfo.class)) { privilegeName = method.getAnnotation(PrivilegeInfo.class).name(); } return privilegeName; } }
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.interceptor.privilege;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.Interceptor;
import cn.itcast.shoa.annotation.privilege.privilegeInfoParse; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Privilege; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.User;
public class PrivilegeInterceptor implements Interceptor{
@Override public void destroy() { }
@Override public void init() { }
@Override public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
User user = (User)ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("user"); boolean flag = false; if ("admin".equals( user.getUsername() ) ) { flag = true; }else { Collection<Privilege> privileges = (Collection<Privilege>)ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("privileges"); Class classAction = invocation.getAction().getClass(); String methodName = invocation.getProxy().getMethod(); String privilegeName = privilegeInfoParse.parse(classAction, methodName); for (Privilege privilege : privileges) { if (privilege.getName().equals(privilegeName)) { flag = true; break; } } } if (flag) { return invocation.invoke(); }else { ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().push("权限不足,无法访问"); return "privilegeError"; } }
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| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN" "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd">
<struts> <constant name="struts.devMode" value="true"/> <constant name="struts.ui.theme" value="simple"/> <include file="struts/struts-person.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-department.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-role.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-user.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-login.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-forward.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-menuitem.xml"></include> <include file="struts/struts-privilege.xml"></include> <package name="privilegeOA" namespace="/" extends="struts-default"> <interceptors> <interceptor name="privilegeInterceptor" class="cn.itcast.shoa.interceptor.privilege.PrivilegeInterceptor"></interceptor> <interceptor-stack name="oaStack"> <interceptor-ref name="privilegeInterceptor"></interceptor-ref> <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"></interceptor-ref> </interceptor-stack> </interceptors> <default-interceptor-ref name="oaStack"></default-interceptor-ref> <global-results> <result name="privilegeError">error.jsp</result> </global-results> </package> <package name="struts-global" namespace="/" extends="struts-default"> <global-results> <result name="errHandler" type="chain"> <param name="actionName">errorProcessor</param> </result> </global-results> <global-exception-mappings> <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception" result="errHandler" /> </global-exception-mappings>
<action name="errorProcessor" class="cn.itcast.shoa.exception.MyException"> <result name="error">WEB-INF/jsp/error.jsp</result> </action> </package> </struts>
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| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN" "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd">
<struts> <package name="user" namespace="/" extends="privilegeOA"> <action name="userAction_*" method="{1}" class="userAction"> <result name="listAction">/WEB-INF/jsp/system/user/list.jsp</result> <result name="addUI">/WEB-INF/jsp/system/user/add.jsp</result> <result name="updateUI">/WEB-INF/jsp/system/user/update.jsp</result> <result name="action2action" type="redirectAction">userAction_showAllUser.action</result> </action> </package> </struts>
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| package cn.itcast.shoa.struts.action;
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;
import cn.itcast.shoa.annotation.privilege.PrivilegeInfo; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Department; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.Role; import cn.itcast.shoa.domain.system.User; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.DepartmentService; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.RoleService; import cn.itcast.shoa.service.UserService; import cn.itcast.shoa.struts.action.base.BaseAction;
@Controller("userAction") @Scope("prototype") public class UserAction extends BaseAction<User>{ @Resource(name="userService") private UserService userService; @Resource(name="roleService") private RoleService roleService; private Long did; private Long[] rids; public Long getDid() { return did; }
public void setDid(Long did) { this.did = did; }
public Long[] getRids() { return rids; }
public void setRids(Long[] rids) { this.rids = rids; }
@Resource(name="departmentService") private DepartmentService departmentService ; @PrivilegeInfo(name="用户查询") public String showAllUser() { Collection<User> userList = this.userService.getAllUser(); ActionContext.getContext().put("userList", userList); return listAction; } public String addUI() {
Collection<Department> dList = this.departmentService.getAllDepartments(); Collection<Role> rList = this.roleService.getAllRole(); ActionContext.getContext().put("dList", dList); ActionContext.getContext().put("rList", rList); return addUI; } public String add(){
User user = new User(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(this.getModel(), user); this.userService.saveUser(did, rids, user); return action2action; } public String deleteUser() { this.userService.deleteUser(this.getModel().getUid()); return action2action; } public String updateUI() {
User user = this.userService.getUserById(this.getModel().getUid()); ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().push(user);
this.did = user.getDepartment().getDid(); Set<Role> roles = user.getRoles(); this.rids = new Long[roles.size()]; int index = 0; for (Role role : roles) { this.rids[index] = role.getRid(); index++; } Collection<Department> departmentsList = this.departmentService.getAllDepartments(); Collection<Role> roleList = this.roleService.getAllRole(); ActionContext.getContext().put("dList", departmentsList); ActionContext.getContext().put("rList", roleList); return updateUI; }
public String updateUser() {
User user = this.userService.getUserById(this.getModel().getUid()); BeanUtils.copyProperties(this.getModel(), user); this.userService.updateUser(did,rids,user); return action2action; } }